Milroy 81 Family

By Rich Milroy

Milroy 81 Family

Featuring R3 Reduction

(Richard’s Ridiculous Reduction)

Step 1: Choose one of the 81 Family Members from below and enter it into your calculator.

Step 2: Multiply by any number of your choice.

Step 3: Reduce the product by R3 as shown below. 

Result: Regardless the length of the number you choose, R3 will amaze you!

01) 012345679
02) 024691358
03) 037037037
04) 049382716
05) 061728395
06) 074074074
07) 086419753
08) 098765432
09) 111111111
10) 123456790
11) 135802469
12) 148148148
13) 160493827
14) 172839506
15) 185185185
16) 197530864 
17) 209876543
18) 222222222
19) 234567901
20) 246913580
21) 259259259
22) 271604938
23) 283950617
24) 296296296
25) 308641975
26) 320987654
27) 333333333
28) 345679012 
29) 358024691
30) 370370370
31) 382716049
32) 395061728
33) 407407407
34) 419753086
35) 432098765
36) 444444444
37) 456790123
38) 469135802
39) 481481481
40) 493827160
41) 506172839
42) 518518518 
43) 530864197
44) 543209876
45) 555555555
46) 567901234
47) 580246913
48) 592592592
49) 604938271
50) 617283950
51) 629629629
52) 641975308
53) 654320987
54) 666666666
55) 679012345
56) 691358024 
57) 703703703
58) 716049382
59) 728395061
60) 740740740
61) 753086419
62) 765432098
63) 777777777
64) 790123456
65) 802469135
66) 814814814
67) 827160493
68) 839506172
69) 851851851
70) 864197530 
71) 876543209
72) 888888888
73) 901234567
74) 913580246
75) 925925925
76) 938271604
77) 950617283
78) 962962962
79) 975308641
80) 987654320
81) 999999999 

Example #1 of R3

1. Chosen Family Member #31 382,716,049
2. Multiply by your chosen number x    54,281
3. The product is 20,774,209,855,769
4. R3: Mentally segment last 9 digits 20,774,209,855,769
5. R3: Keep last 9 digits 209,855,769
6. R3: Move leading digits as shown +    20,774
7. Add as shown 209,876,543

Congratulations! R3 produced Family Member #17

Example #2 of R3

My goal is that Milroy 81 Family be awarded a Wikipedia page. Areas of interest I would like to post on the Milroy 81 Wikipedia page:

1. History of 81 Family discovery.
2. History of R3 discovery.
3. Special attributes of individual Family Members.
4. Secondary version of R3 (R3v2), which is truly sick.
5. Discoveries about ABC,ABC,ABC numbers that I have not seen posted on the internet.
6. Proof, I believe, that any large randomly chosen number will R3 successfully.
7. Lots and lots of related and also random info about the 81 Family.


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Have fun,
Richard Milroy